True or False, Furūʿ ad-Dīn are the branches of religion. - True, True or False, There are 5 Furūʿ ad-Dīn. - False, True or False, Ḥarām means that if we do that action, Allah will be unhappy - True, True or False, It is wājib to be good to our parents. - True, True or False, Wuḍūʾ is a special way to wash ourselves before ṣalāh - True, Adhan is the call to - salah/pray, When we recite adhān, Allāhu Akbar is repeated __________ times - 4, How many ṣalāt in a day? - 5, how many rakaʿāt are in Fajr? - 2, What is Najasah or Najis? - means that something needs to be washed in special way., In which islamic month do we fast? - Ramadan, Name one najis things. - Blood, pig, urine/stool,


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