Pericardium - Protective sac enclosing the heart; composed of two layers with fluid in between, Aortic Valve - Located between the left ventricle and the aorta, Ventricles - Lower chambers of the heart, Atrium - Upper right or left chamber of the heart, Systole - To expand; period during the cardiac cycle when the heart is in contraction and the blood is ejected through the aorta and the pulmonary artery, Diastole - To expand; period during the cardiac cycle when blood enters the relaxed ventricles from the atria, Hypotension - Low blood pressure, Hypertension - High blood pressure, When should the nurse check the apical pulse? - When the pulse is irregular, How does the nurse measure the apical pulse and for how long? - By placing stethoscope over the apex of the heart and listening for one full minute, Name two cardiac test - ECG/EKG and Stress Test, Thrombus - A stationary blood clot, Ischemia - To hold back blood; decreased blood flow to tissue caused by constriction or occlusion of a blood vessel,


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