Endowed (Dotado) - Automatically provided with or equipped with something. , Grievances (Quejas) - Causes for complaints or protests., Self-Evident (Autoevidente) - Something that is obvious, visible, and does not need to be explained.  , Unalienable / Natural Rights (Derechos Naturales) - Rights that are natural and cannot be taken away, such as, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness., Taxes (Impuestos) - Cost added to products that are collected by the government.  , Taxation Without Representation (Impuestos sin Representación) - Government tax laws created without including representatives from the colonies being taxed. , 2nd Continental Congress - Representatives from the colonies met to declare independence and create a Continental Army under George Washington. , 4th of July, 1776 (Cuatro de Julio, 1776) - July 4, 1776 was the date that the colonies signed the Declaration of Independence and separated from England. , Declaration of Independence (Declaración de la Independencia) - 2nd Continental Congress formally declares Independence from England., Founding Fathers (Los Padres Fundadores) - Key figures that helped shaped the American Revolution and the creation of the United States., Thomas Jefferson - Main author of the Declaration of Independence., 1st Continental Congress - Representatives from the colonies met to create a plan to boycott British products until the Intolerable Acts were repealed. , George Washington - Appointed to Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army by the 2nd Continental Congress.,

Unit #2 (B)-- 8th Grade US History Vocabulary: The American Revolution- (B) Independence


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