True: Chameleons have extremely long tongues, sometimes as long as their bodies., An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. True or False?, A sneeze is faster than the blink of an eye., The egg of a Hummingbird is the smallest egg in the world., Whales have belly buttons, All tigers have yellow eyes., Laika, the dog is the first animal to go to space., Some animals can get sunburn., Camels store water in their humps., Octopus has four hearts., Polo mints possess a quality called "triboluminescence" which means they will light up when snapped in half, Trees blow up when lightning strikes., Pigs can be killed, near frozen and brought back to life, If aliens on a planet 65 million light years away are looking at us right now, all they'll see are dinosaurs., Some fish communicate by farting, If you stacked together all the Lego blocks ever made, it would reach 10 times the distance from the earth to the moon, False: Pigs can look up into the sky., There are 9 planets in our Solar System., Mark Zuckerburg is the father of modern computers., Frogs have to drink lots of water., Sharks are colour blind., Mumbai is the capital of India., Arachnophobia is the fear of dogs, There are 12 players in a cricket team., William Shakespeare is a scientist., Washington DC is the capital of Canada, Great White Sharks are more deadly than mosquitoes, Your hair and fingernails continue to grow after death.,

True or False? GK questions for kids


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