successful - The Beatles were the most ...(success)...pop group in the 60s., childhood - Jack and I have been friends since ...(child)..., careless - He is such a ...(care)...driver that he is bound to have an accident soon., pleasure - Hello. It's a ...(please) meet you., height - Does anyone know the ...(high) ...of Big Ben?, beauty - Scotland is well known for the ...(beautiful)...of its scenery., suitable - We had to send it back as it was not ..(suit).. for our needs., solution - They still haven't found a ...(solve) ... to the problem., strength - In judo, technique is more important than ...(strong).. ., competitive - To survive these days, a company has to be very ...(compete)... . , sensitive - Be careful! Microscopes are very ..(sense)... instruments., width - What is the ..(width)... of this river?, headline - There was a large ...(head)... on the front page - PM to Resign., attractive - Pam's new boyfriend is very ...(attract)...!, courageous - Dave was so ....(courage)... chasing the burglar out of the house., sensible - Stop playing with your food - be ...(sense)...!, personality - My friend has a great ...(person)... ., expression - I can tell from your ...(express)... that you are not happy with the decision., warning - This is your last ...(warn)..! STOP RUNNING!, distance - I can see the castle in the ...(distant)... ., beggars - There are a lot of ..(beg).. in the streets nowadays., addiction - Drug ...(addict).. is a serious problem in this area., loneliness - People who suffer from ...(lonely)... should get a pet., confidential - Sara was accused of stealing some ...(confidence)... information., unbelievable - The results were too high! It was ...(believe)... .,


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