acute angle - smaller than a right angle and less than 90 degrees, polygon - a closed shape made with only straight lines, parallelogram - quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel lines, rhombus - quadrilateral with 4 equal sides and no right angles, trapezoid - quadrilateral with only 1 pair of parallel sides, rectangle - quadrilateral with opposite sides that are equal, 2 pairs of parallel lines, and four right angles, square - quadrilateral with 4 equal sides, 2 sets of parallel lines, and 4 right angles, obtuse angle - larger than a right angles and greater than 90 degrees, right angle - measures exactly 90 degrees, it forms a square corner, parallel lines - lines that do not intersect and stay the same distance apart, intersecting lines - lines that meet/cross at a point, perpendicular lines - lines that intersect to form right angles, isosecles triangle - a triangle that has 2 congruent sides, congruent - a word used to describe lines, angles, or polygons that are exactly the same , scalene triangle - a triangle with no congruent sides, all the sides are a different length, equilateral triangle - a triangle that has sides that are all the same length, acute triangle - a triangle that has 3 acute angles (less than 90 degrees), obtuse triangle - a triangle that contains an obtuse angle (greater than 90 degrees), right triangle - a triangle that contains a right angle (90 degrees),


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