1) what word do you use to keep your internet safe? a) dart b) fart c) smart d) cart e) rat f) cat 2) what is ICT? a) using stuff with technology b) technology itself c) using technology d) doing stuff on technology e) watching vidioes f) learning 3) Dear Agony Aunt, my friends have been texting eachother during class. One of them sent something to me about mocking the teachers and now I'm in trouble. Help! a) You should tell your friends to stop texting in class, or simply block the person who sent you that. b) carry on doing that and make them bored c) Ignore it. d) Carry on texting secretly. e) Get them into trouble. f) Go and cry in the bathroom. 4) Dear Agony Aunt, I was trying to do my homework and all of a sudden, the computer randomly turned off and now I'm in trouble! What should I do? Eek! a) tell the teacher that the laptop randomly shut down b) go away and go to a different school 5) what do you call the thingy that you search on? a) searchia b) the hunt online c) search engine


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