1) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) writer b) actor c) policeman d) doctor e) journalist, writer f) teacher 2) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) singer, actor b) writer c) actress d) firefighter e) football player f) vet 3) Do you know her? Who is she? What's her profession? a) singer b) blogger c) TV host d) doctor e) writer f) comedian 4) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) tennis player b) writer c) actor d) basketball player e) pilot f) football player 5) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) football player b) president c) politician d) artist e) policeman f) vet 6) Do you know her? Who is she? What's her profession? a) singer b) doctor c) politician d) artist e) teacher f) comedian 7) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) writer b) comedian, TV host c) teacher d) artist e) firefighter f) president 8) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) actor b) singer c) president d) pilot e) Blogger f) comedian 9) Do you know her? Who is she? What's her profession? a) writer b) politician c) policewoman d) pilot e) shop assistant f) journalist 10) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) comedian, actor b) president c) singer d) teacher e) doctor f) farmer 11) Do you know her? Who is she? What's her profession? a) president b) farmer c) politician, TV host d) doctor e) singer, actress, song writer f) policewoman 12) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) journalist b) vet c) artist d) comedian e) teacher f) pilot 13) Do you know him? Who is he? What's his profession? a) pilot b) writer and comedian c) photographer d) actor e) president, politician f) footballer

Lead-in: Famous people and their jobs


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