1) He's very tall, a) have you? b) does he? c) do we? d) isn't he? 2) She called yesterday, a) did she? b) haven't they? c) do we? d) didn't she? 3) She doesn't smoke, a) does she? b) don't you? c) haven't I? d) hasn't she? 4) He didn't go to work, a) have you? b) haven't you? c) isn't he? d) did he? 5) They've already seen it, a) do we? b) haven't you? c) haven't they? d) aren't I? 6) You haven't been there, a) are you? b) don't we? c) is he? d) have you? 7) You like coffee, a) do we? b) did she? c) is he? d) don't you? 8) You've studied French, a) haven't you? b) haven't they? c) do we? d) aren't I? 9) It isn't very happy, a) does it? b) is it? c) doesn't it? d) don't you? 10) I'm late, a) isn't he? b) don't we? c) aren't I? d) is he? 11) You aren't a vegetarian, a) is he? b) have you? c) are you? d) does he? 12) We don't have a test, a) do we? b) haven't they? c) is he? d) don't we? 13) We're going out tonight, a) did she? b) doesn't she? c) don't we? d) does he? 14) She lives in Rome, a) doesn't she? b) don't we? c) is he? d) haven't I? 15) I've missed the train, a) is he? b) don't we? c) haven't I? d) do we? 16) We can go out tonight, a) aren't We ? b) didn't we? c) Have we? d) can we?

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