Observable characteristics - The measurement of genetic diversity by looking at observable characteristics., Comparision of DNA base sequence - The measurement of genetic diversity by comparing the similarities and difference between DNA base sequence., Comparision of mRNA base sequence - The measurement of genetic diversity by comparing the similarities and differences in mRNA base sequence. , Comparision of amino acid sequence - The measurement of genetic diversity by comparision the similaries and differences in amino acid sequences., Interspecific variation - The differences between species, Intraspecific variation - The differences within species, Sampling bias - Where the investigators make unrepresentative choices either deliberately or unwittingly., Chance - In sampling methods the individuals chosen are not chosen deliberately but by ..., Random sampling - A sampling method that uses a random number generator to create co-ordinates for where to take samples, Mode - The most common value in a set of measurments, Median - The middle value in a set of measurements, Mean - The average value of a set of measurments, Standard deviation - Is a measure of the spread of results around the mean.,

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