Is Rio beautiful in your opinion?, Are you fromRio? Yes, I am / No, I'm not, Where are you from? I am from..., Is your birthday in November?, Is your birthday in January?, When is your birthday?, Are you an only child? Yes, I am / No, I'm not, Are you the youngest, the middle or the oldest child?, What’s your phone number?, Are you an organized person?, Are you punctual?, Are you shy?, Are you usually in a good mood or in a bad mood?, Are you always stressed?, Are you afraid of spiders? , Are you good at cooking?, Are you a curious person?, Are you interested in funk?, What kind of people are you interested in? , Is it good to speak English?, Are you hungry?, Are you tired?, Are you sleepy?, Are you thirsty?, Are you happy today?, What are your parents’ names?, What color is your bedroom?, What color is your living room?, What is your favorite food?, What is your favorite drink?.

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