Microsoft - MSW LOGO is the product of , Turtle's playground - The main screen of MSW LOGO is called, Triangle - The shape of turtle is like a , pen - The turtle carries a _____ ., Title bar - This bar displays the title of the file., three. - The number of buttons title bar has is, home of turtle. - When we start MSW LOGO, the turtle is in the center of the LOGO screen called, two - The number of scroll bars is, Horizontal scroll bar - This scroll bar moves the turtle left and right., Vertical scroll bar - This scroll bar moves the turtle up and down, Commander window - We type turtle commands in , Execute - We press this button to run the turtle command., FD - The command use to move the turtle forward is, LT - This command turns the turtle left., BK - This command moves the turtle backward., RT - This command turns the turtle right., BYE - This command closes the LOGO program., 90 degrees to the right. - RT 90 will turn the turtle, FD -50 - BK 50 is the same as , RT 50 - LT -50 is the same as,

Introduction to MSW LOGO-Match up (Wk-8)


Visual style


Switch template

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