1. Where is your company's ____? Does it have ____ in other cities or countries? 2. Has your company ever ____ with or ____ another business? 3. How does your company ____ its products or services? 4. Have you ever thought of ____ your own business? What kind of business would it be? 5. What kinds of things are ____ in your country? Are they ____ to other countries? 6. What do you think of companies which organize relaxation areas for employees, where they can rest, play games or even have a nap? Is it a good idea to ____ business with ____? 7. Have you ever told someone to ____? Why did you say it? 8. When you come to work in the morning, do you usually take your time to have a coffee and chat with colleagues, or do you ____ right away?

Business Vocabulary + Speaking


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