Denary to HEX - Character 1 = Original number DIV 16 , Character 2 = Original number MOD 16, HEX to Denary - Character 1 * 16 + Character 2, Binary Addition - 0x1 = 0 | 1x1=1 | 2x1= Store 0 carry 1| 3x1 = Store 1 carry 1, Binary Shift left - Multiply, Binary Shift right - Divide, Binary Scale - 128 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1, Hex A - 10, Hex B - 11, Hex C - 12, Hex D - 13, Hex E - 14, Hex F - 15, Overflow Error - Too much data for the memory available,


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