some games you used to play, a wedding custom in your country, some advantages of living in an apartment, something you want to do in the next five years, 3 qualities of a good teacher, your plans for the next weekend, 3 chores you hate doing, your hobbies and interests, how to prepare your favorite snack, an interesting fact about your country, a traffic problem in your town or city, problems that you can have with a neighbor, 2 famous landamarks, a nice birthday party you went to, 4 common excuses people make, how you celebrate New Year, 3 things you wish you could change in your life, your idea of a dream job, 5 different uses of a cell phone, 2 movies you like, your school vacations, an actor or actress that you like, clothes that you like wearing, something lucky that happened to you, rules at your school/job, your house or apartment, 4 things you would pack for a vacation abroad, a successful person, an unusual place (like a restaurant or museum), the city or town where you live, your favorite drink, 3 things grown or produced in your country/city, 4 common wishes people have, your first school, your idea of a dream vacation, your favorite celebration, something you'd if you won the lottery, a good childhood memory.

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