Population Density (densidad de población) - A number showing how crowded a place is calculated by dividing the population by the area. , Climate (clima) - The pattern of the weather conditions over a long period of time for a large area. , Physical Features (características físicas) - Earth's natural features, such as mountains rivers, deserts and oceans., Geography (geografía) - Science that studies the location of living and nonliving things on earth and the way they affect one another., Region (región) - Can be defined by natural or artificial or artificial features like language, government, religion, forests, wildlife, , Landform (forma del terreno) - A natural feature of the solid surface of the earth., Population Patterns (patrones de población) - The study of large groups of people that reveal trends in age, composition, population growth, and more. , Migration (migración) - The movement of people from one country or region to another., Immigration (inmigración) - The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country., Push Factor (factor de empuje) - Events and forces in the HOME country that pushes people to leave for a NEW country. , Pull Factor (factor de atracción) - Events and forces in the NEW country that pulls people to leave their HOME country.  ,

6th SS Unit #2 Population and Migration


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