Rondo - A poem with a circular structure which begins and ends similarly, Sentence mood - The mood of the sentence (often clarified by punctuation), Sestet - A six-line verse, Shakespearean or English sonnet - A poem of 14 lines, divided into three quatrains and a couplet, written in iambic pentameter, rhyming abab cdcd efef gg, Sibilants - Consonant sounds articulated with a hissing sound e.g. s,z, Simile - A device which directly compares two things using like or as e.g. the tress swayed in the wind like dancers, Simple sentence - A independent main clause, Spondee - A unit of poetic meter containing two stressed syllables //, Stanza - The division of lines in a poem, also called a verse, Stative verbs  - Verbs that express states of being or processes, Stress - The exaggerated phoneme in any particular word, Subordinating conjunction - A conjunction used to introduce a subordinate clause (because, while, until), Superlatives - A word that emphasizes the extremes e.g. best, worst, Syllable - The beats or rhythm in a line of verse, Symbolism - A device in which a word or phrase represents something else, Syndetic listing - Using conjunctions to join clauses, Syntax - The study of the relationship between words in a sentences, Syntax inversion - The deliberate alteration of the structure of words in a sentence, Tag question - An interrogative structure attached to the end of a sentence which expects a reply e.g. isn’t it, Tetrameter - A unit of poetic meter containing four feet (8syllables in total), Themes - The recurring ideas and images in a text, Tone - The style or voice the text is written in e.g. excites, emotional, Transcription - A written record of spoken language, which can use symbols and markings to illustrate the distinctive nature of speech, Trimeter - A unit of poetic meter containing three feet (6 syllables in total), Tripling - Listing of three items, Trochee - A unit of poetic meter containing one stressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable /-, Turn-taking - The organization of speakers’ contributions to a conversation, Utterance - A stretch of spoken language used in stead of ‘sentence’ when discussing spoken language, Verbs - Words that express states, actions or processes, Verse Type - The type of poem e.g. sonnet, lyric, ballad, ode, narrative poem etc.,


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