Pillar 1 - Shahadah: It's the declaration of faith in Islam., It says 'there is no god but Allah and Muhammad (PUBH) is his messenger', These should be the first words and the last words a Muslim hears., Muslims say these words throughout their lives., Pillar 2 - Salah: This is the worship of Allah (prayer)., Before praying Muslims should carry out ritual washing (wudu). It symbolises purity., Muslims are expected to pray five times a day. Mosques will make a 'call to prayer'., These prayers can be said anywhere that is clean., Pillar 3 - Zakat: This is an annual charitable payment. The money is used to help the poor., Each Muslim able to afford it should give 2.5% of their savings., This charitable donation has the effect of purifying the money., Sometimes children decide to give part of their pocket money., Pillar 4 - Sawn: This is annual fasting., It takes place during the month of Ramadan., During this time, Muslims do not eat or drink between dawn and sunset., This is a very difficult task that helps Muslims develop spiritually., Pillar 5 - Hajj: This is the pilgrimage to Mecca. Mecca is the birthplace of prophet Muhammad (PBUH)., Muslims are expected to perform this once in their lifetime., It's a challenging journey that requires great dedication., It brings Muslims closer to God and can lead to the forgiveness of sins.,


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