Materials - The substance that objects are made of., Reversible changes - A change that can be changed back again. Melting and heating are examples., Irreversible changes - A change that cannot be changed back again. Burning or mixing a liquid with bicarbonate of soda are examples., Insoluble  - Impossible to dissolve., Soluble - Possible to dissolve., Solution - A mixture that contains two or more substances combined evenly., Dissolve - When a substance disappears in liquid., Filter - A device used to remove dirt or other solids from liquids or gases., Evaporate - To turn from liquid into gas; pass away in the form of vapour., Conductor - The ability of a material to let heat or electricity pass through it., Condensation - Small drops of water which form when water vapour or steam touches a cold surface, such as a window., Magnet - An object that has a magnetic field. It attracts or repels other items., Insulator - Something that does not let heat or electricity pass through it., Permeable - A substance that a gas or liquid can pass through., Transparent - A material you can see through., Particles - A tiny amount of something., Thermal - Relating to or caused by heat or by changes in temperature.,


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