Porosity - The ability of a rock to store water in tiny air spaces called pores., Permeable - The ability of a rock to allow water to pass through it., Impermeable - Soil or rock which does not allow water to pass through it e.g. clay., groundwater store - Water in the ground below the water table., surface stores - Places where water is found on the surface such as lakes and rivers., drainage basin - The area a river collects its water from sometimes called a catchment area., tributaries - Smaller rivers which join a main river, overland flow - The flow of water across the ground surface., infiltration - Movement of water into the soil., throughflow - Downhill flow of water through soil., groundwater flow - The flow of water through rocks, percolation - Movement of water from soil into rock., flash floods - Flooding caused by a sudden storm or heavy rainfall. The water can not soak into the ground., afforestation - Planting of forests., hydrograph - A line graph that shows the either the discharge or height of a river over time., discharge - Amount of water flowing through a river channel. Measured in cubic metres per second (cumecs) The highest amount is the peak discharge., lag time - Time delay between a rain event and the peak discharge., interception - Trees or plants stop precipitation from reaching the ground., evapotranspiration - Movement of water into the air from vegetation and the ground., braided - A river pattern when a shallow river has deposited gravel islands so that the river is split into several smaller channels.,


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