1) What is the time & place in which a story occurs? a) Plot b) Theme c) Setting d) Conflict 2) Which point of view is told by an outside narrator & we can only see one character's point of view? a) First person b) First person limited c) Third person omniscient d) Third person limited 3) Which point of view is told by an outside narrator & we can see multiple characters' points of view? a) First person limited b) Third person limited c) Third person omniscient d) Second person 4) What is a problem or obstacle that a character must overcome? a) Plot b) Theme c) Conflict d) Characterization 5) Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 main types of conflict? a) Character vs. Nature b) Character vs. The Universe c) Character vs. Society d) Character vs. Self 6) Which of the following is an internal conflict? a) Character vs. Character b) Character vs. Society c) Character vs. Nature d) Character vs. Self 7) What is the solution to a problem or the outcome of a situation? a) Conflict b) Resolution c) Setting d) Theme 8) In which part of a story are we introduced to the main characters & the setting? a) Exposition b) Climax c) Rising Action d) Falling Action 9) In which part of the story does the plot begin to develop & conflicts start to arise? a) Exposition b) Climax c) Rising Action d) Falling Action 10) What is the turning point or the moment of greatest tension in a story? a) Exposition b) Climax c) Rising Action d) Resolution 11) What is the part of the story that occurs after the climax where there is a possibility for reversal? a) Climax b) Rising Action c) Falling Action d) Resolution 12) In which part of a story do events come to an end & all conflicts are resolved?  a) Climax b) Rising Action c) Falling Action d) Resolution 13) What is the main setting in The Call of the Wild? a) The San Fernando Valley b) The Yukon Territory c) John Thornton's house d) A miner's camp 14) What is the climax in The Call of the Wild? a) When Buck gets kidnapped b) When Buck joins the sled team c) When Buck kills Spitz d) When John Thornton rescues Buck 15) "Dat Buck two devils" is an example of... a) conflict b) dialect c) simile d) theme 16) Which of the following is NOT a theme in The Call of the Wild? a) Survival of the Fittest b) Ancient or Primal Instincts Prevail c) The Purest Relationship is Only with Nature d) Crime Doesn't Pay 17) Which theme in The Call of the Wild connects with Darwin's theory of natural selection? a) Survival of the Fittest b) Anicient or Primal Instincts Prevail c) The Purest Relationship is Only with Nature d) Crime Doesn't Pay 18) Which point of view is used in The Call of the Wild? a) First Person limited b) Third Person limited c) Third Person Omniscient d) First Person Omniscient 19) What are the actions, words and descriptions that a writer uses to give a reader a sense of who a character really is? a) Theme b) Plot c) Characterization d) Conflict 20) In which type of characterization does the author use description to create the character? a) Direct Characterization b) Indirect Characterization c) Limited Characterization d) Omniscient Characterization 21) In which type of characterization does the author use actions, thoughts, & dialogue to create a character? a) Direct Characterization b) Indirect Characterization c) Limited Characterization d) Omniscient Characterization 22) Is the following is an example of direct or indirect characterization? "Buck was tired." a) Direct Characterization b) Indirect Characterization 23) Is the following is an example of direct or indirect characterization? “Buck laid his weary head down on his paws.” a) Direct Characterization b) Indirect characterization 24) Which type of conflict arises when Buck has to learn to work as part of a sled team? a) Character vs. Character b) Character vs. Nature c) Character vs. Society d) There is no conflict in this part of the story. 25) Which type of conflict arises when John Thornton confronts Hal? a) Character vs. Character b) Character vs. Nature c) Character vs. Society d) Character vs. Self 26) Which of these scenarios shows character vs. self conflict? a) Jamal & Theo compete to be class president. b) Mia must decide which dress to wear to prom. c) Marcus' house was damaged in a tornado. d) Joe gets a speeding ticket on the way to work. 27) "Buck was as strong as an ox" is an example of... a) metaphor b) personification c) simile d) hyperbole 28) After which event in The Call of the Wild are Buck's final ties to humanity broken & he completely embraces his wild nature? a) When the main the red sweater beats Buck b) When Buck is sold to Hal, Charles & Mercedes c) When the Yeehat Indians kill John Thornton d) When Buck kills Spitz 29) Hal, Charles, & Mercedes are symbols of... a) Bravery & Selflessness b) Inexperience & Greed c) Charity & Kindness d) Wisdom & Honor 30) When does Buck answer the call of the wild? a) When he fights with Spitz b) When he hunts a moose c) When he first joins the sled team d) When he leaves humanity behind & goes to live with the wolves


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