Omissive Apostrophe: She started wearing her new trainers immediately and wont take them off. Now shes put her old ones in the bin!, Unfortunately, he has scratched her Rhianna dvd and he cant bring himself to tell her. She hasnt noticed yet and their dad wont help hi, If Jack had known how easy it was to please her hed have bought her a present before; theyve not fallen out since., Their parents are enjoying the peace and quiet and cant believe their luck., Well have to wait and see., Its a shame that the holidays are only a week., Possessive Apostrophe: My nans wheelie bin is full of trainers., Will the familys harmony last or will Jacks luck run out?, Mondays lesson is in room 600., Possessive & Omissive: Rebeccas birthday is in January. She wasnt expecting a present from Jack., Jack bought his sisters surprise present from the market. “Theyre great”, she said., No Apostrophe Required: The students were happy with their holidays., Throughout the competitions, the girls had used different coloured lipsticks., The children owned the cats., The football games are on Saturdays., If its legs are loose the table will not stand up properly.,

Apostrophes: Possessive or Omissive?


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