1) What parts of the cells helped to decide if they were plant or animal cells? a) cytoplasm and cell wall b) chloroplast and cell wall c) nucleus and cell wall d) cell membrane and cell wall 2) All living things take in ________ to carry out their life processes. a) nitrogen b) carbon dioxide c) oxygen d) water vapour 3) You can find the most number of _______ on the underside of the leaves. a) stomata b) air sacs c) gills d) lungs 4) Oxygen is absorbed into the blood at the fish's_______. a) mouth b) nose c) body d) gills 5) What is one of the systems that help to transfer oxygen to all parts of the body? a) Digestive system b) Muscular system c) Respiratory system d) Psychological system

Week 10 Monday (Quiz)

by Anonymous


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