1) Habiba a) Habiba eateies hamburger now b) Habiba eates hamburger now c) Habiba eats hamburger now 2) Dema a) Dema studes english in her room   b) Dema studies english in her room c) Dema studys english in her room  3) Rital a) Rital makes a tasty food b) Rital makies a tasty food  c) Rital maks a tasty food 4) Nasma a) Nasma takes her cat to the vet  b) Nasma takies her cat to the vet  c) Nasma takees  her cat to the vet 5) Jod a) Jod practicees basketball outside b) Jod practiceies basketball outside c) Jod practeces basketball outside 6) Abed a) Abed drawies a plate b) Abed draws a plate c) Abed drawes a plate 7) Rany a) Rany watchies a cartoons on t.v b) Rany watchs cartoons on t.v c) Rany watches cartoons on t.v 8) Mahmod a) Mahmod rides his bike b) Mahmod rideies his bike c) Mahmod ridees his bike  9) Jana a) Jana wateries the flowers b) Jana wateres the flowers  c) Jana waters the flowers 10) Gazal a) Gazal goies to the mall every week b) Gazal goes to the mall every week c) Gazal gos to the mall every week 11) Miral a) Miral tellies a story for her sister b) Miral telles a story for her sister c) Miral tells a story for her sister 12) Fatima a) Fatima washes her hands vert well b) Fatima washies her hands very well c) Fatima washs her hands very well 13) Leen a) Leen bua new accessories b) Leen buyes a new accessories c) Leen buys a new accessories 14) Roa a) Roa readies a story every day b) Roa reades a story every day c) Roa reads a story every day 15) Mariam a) Mariam carryes a shoping bags b) Mariam carryies a shoping bags  c) Mariam carrs a shoping bags  16) Kareem a) Kareem usees a new fhone b) Kareem useies a new fhone c) Kareem uses anew fhone 17) Yamin  a) Yamin fixs the bulb b) Yamin fixies the bulb  c) Yamin fixes the bulb 18) Ahmad a) Ahmad writes his homework b) Ahmad writies his homework c) Ahmad writees his homework 19) Yazid a) Yazid feedes his cat every day b) Yazid  feedies his cat every day c) Yazid feeds his cat every day 20) Baker a) Baker obeies his mom  b) Baker obeys his mom c) Baker obeyes his mom 21) Ahmad a) Ahmad answeries questions b) Ahmad answers questions c) Ahmad answeres questions 22) Ale a) Ale gets up early in the morning  b) Ale geties up early in the morning c) Ale getes up early in the morning 23) Ebrahim a) Ebrahim crosss the street b) Ebrahim crossies the street c) Ebrahim crosses the street 24) Isaac a) Isaac drinkies a tasty milkshake b) Isaac drinks a tasty milkshake c) Isaac drinkes a tasty milkshake 25) Yahia a) Yahia exercises sports  b) Yahia exercisees sports  c) Yahia exerciseies sports  26) Ahmad a) Ahmad brashs his teeth  daily b) Ahmad brashes his teeth  daily c) Ahmad brashies his teeth daily 27) Mohamed a) Mohamed finishies his test  b) Mohamed finishs his test c) Mohamed finishes his test

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