1) The emission of an alpha particle means ____ proton/s is/are lost a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 2) A beta particle emitted means a) neutron is lost b) neutron changes to an electron&proton c) neither of the above. 3) Gamma radiation makes no changes to neutrons & protons numbers a) True b) False 4) What is an isotope? a) different forms of the same compound b) different forms of the same element c) 2 different elements 5) Isotopes has different numbers of .... a) protons b) electrons c) neutrons 6) What particle splits uranium into two in a chain reaction? a) electron b) proton c) neutron 7) What is the role of control rods? a) absorbs electrons to slow down chain reaction b) absorbs neutrons to slow down chain reaction c) absorbs protons to slow down chain reaction 8) Where are the electrons in an atom? a) in the nucleus b) in shells outside the nucleus c) neither of the above 9) Alpha can be stopped by .... a) paper b) lead c) aluminium 10) Beta can be stopped by .... a) aluminium b) paper c) lead 11) Gamma can be stopped by ...... a) aluminium b) paper c) lead


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