Maria wants to fix cars. She ____ to study auto mechanics. Pedro wants to improve his English. He ____ to practice speaking and doing his homework. Rogeria and Rosealine want to get a driver's license. They ____ to take driving lessons. My sister wants to learn how to use a computer. She ____ to take a computer class. Erik wants to make more money. He ____to get a new job. My husband and I want to become citizens. We ____to take a citizenship class. My daughter wants to find a new, full time job. She ____to get a baby sitter. Roxana wants to buy a house. She ____ to save money for a downpayment. Andreia ____ to take a summer vacation. She needs to start planning her vacation now. Celeste ____ to go to the gym more. She needs to get up earlier in the morning. Meri ____ to have her own catering business. She ____ to get more experience at her current job. Kenia ____ more peace and quiet. Flavio ____ to talk less in the morning.


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