elephant - This animal has a long trunk, two tusks, and two big ears., snake - This animal has a long tongue and body. It can be poisonous. It lives in the forest., cat - This animal has whiskers and sleeps a lot. It can live inside your house., penguin - This animal has feet, a black and white body, and two flippers.  It lives in the Antarctica., horse - This animal has four strong legs and a long nose. It runs fast., whale - This animal is enormous. It lives in the ocean and eats plankton., giraffe - This animal has a long and elegant neck. Its legs are long too., zebra - This animal has black and white stripes in its body. It lives in Africa., rabbit - This animal has long ears and a short tail. It hops and eats vegetables., squirrel - This animal has a long tail and big teeth. It lives in trees., monkey - This animal has long arms, loves bananas, and jumps over the trees. , rhino - This animal is strong. It has gray skin and one or two horns in the face., bear - This animal has long claws, long front legs, and small rounded ears. Some examples are panda, grizzly and polar. , butterfly - This insect has big wings, two antenna, and long abdomen., camel - This animal has a hump. It lives in the desert., bat - This animal is black, has fangs, and eats fruit., crocodile - This animal is green, has sharp teeth, short legs, and a long tail. It lives in rivers or lakes., turtle - This animal has a shell. It is slow and can live long., kangaroo - This animal is strong and jumps high. It lives in Australia., frog - This animal is green, eats insects, and has a long tongue.,

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