1) Which one of the following is not one of the key features of the scientific method? a) Empricism b) Objectivity c) Replicability d) Control e) Subjectivity 2) Information that is gained through direct observation or experiment rather than unfounded beliefs is called... a) The scientific method b) Empiricism c) Theory construct 3) Objectivity is... a) ensuring results are based on an experimenter's beliefs and opinions b) ensuring the test can be replicated c) ensuring that the experimenter's expectations do not affect what they observe 4) .... is important because it safeguards against scientific fraud and enables scientists to check whether particular results were a one-off (fluke). a) Replicability b) Objectivity c) Control 5) Theory construction can happen at the beginning or end of the process. Is this a diagram showing the Inductive model or Deductive model? a) Induction b) Deduction 6) Who proposed the 'hypothetico-deductive model? a) Karl Popper b) Thomas Kuhn c) R.D Laing d) Charles Darwin 7) Karl Popper suggested that theories/laws about the world should come first and these should be used to generate expectations/hypotheses which can be... a) proved b) falsified c) replicated 8) Who posed the question of whether simply using the scientic method turns psychology into a science. He also claimed that psychologists were doing no more than 'dressing up' as scientists. a) Popper b) Khun c) Miller d) Laing 9) What is the definition of a 'paradigm?' a) The shared set of assumptions about the subject matter of a discipline and the methods appropriate to its study b) A shared set of assumptions about how to falsify hypotheses c) A number of different approaches that differentiate in their explanation about a particular subject matter 10) Who claimed that Psychology could not be a science as there is no simgle paradigm? a) Popper b) Khun c) Miller d) Laing 11) Psychology has a number of paradigms or approaches. Which one of these is not a psychological paradigm? a) Psychodynamic b) Cognitive c) Evolutionary d) Determinist e) Humanistic 12) What, according to Kuhn, are the three stages in the development of any scientific discipline? Select the correct order... a) normal science, pre science, revolutionary science b) pre science, revolutionary science, normal science c) pre science, normal science, revolutionary science 13) What can affect the validity of an experiment and therefore makes it impossible to ensure objectivity - which is a key feature of the scientific approach? a) Experimenter bias b) Demand characteristics c) Social desirability bias d) All of the above 14) However similar problems apply to the hard sciences. Who argued that it is not even possible to measure a subatomic particle without altering its 'behaviour'? a) Miller b) Laing c) Heisenberg 15) Science looks at making generalisations about people and attempts to find similarities. What approach is this a) idiographic b) nomothetic 16) Some psychologists advocate more subjective, qualitative methods of conducting research. However how can we ensure these methods are still 'scientific' insofar they aim to be valid. a) By using the test-retest method b) By triangulating the results of the different methods c) By observing the psychologist

The scientific method

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