1) What is the chemical formula for calcium carbonate? a) CaO b) Ca(OH)₂ c) CaCO₃ d) Ca(OH) 2) How is quicklime formed from limestone? a) Adding water b) Mixing with clay c) Mixing with sand d) Heating 3) Calcium oxide is formed by what type of reaction? a) Displacement b) Thermal Decomposition c) Oxidation 4) What is the common name for calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)₂? a) Lime b) Quicklime c) Limewater d) Slaked Lime 5) The products formed in a lime kiln are...? a) CaO + CO₂ b) CaO + H₂O c) CaO + CO d) CaO₂ + CO₂ 6) Which of the following is limestone not used for? a) Making cement b) Making glass c) Buildings d) Making plastics 7) Glass is produced from....? a) Soda, Clay and limestone b) Soda, Sand and limestone c) Clay, Sand and limestone d) Cement, Soda and limestone 8) Quicklime (CaO) reacts with water to produce...? a) Limestone b) Slaked Lime Ca(OH)₂ c) Soda d) Calcium Oxide 9) The chemical name for limewater is....? a) calcium hydroxide solution b) calcium oxide solution c) calcium carbonate solution d) calcium hydroxide


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