1) Samolot wylądował 10 minut temu. a) The plane landed 10 minutes ago. b) The plane has landed 10 minutes ago. c) The plane land 10 minutes ago. 2) Ona już wsiadła do autobusu. a) She has already got on the bus. b) She has already got in the bus. c) She has got on the bus yet. 3) Czy samolot już odleciał? a) Did the plane take off? b) Has the plane taken off yet? c) Has the plane took off yet? 4) Pociąg odjeżdza o 8. a) The train is leaving at 8. b) The train leave at 8. c) The train leaves at 8. 5) Wyszliśmy z promu o 7.30. a) We got off the ferry at 7.30. b) We have got off the ferry at 7:30. c) We get off the ferry at 7.30. 6) Autobus jeszcze nie przyjechał. a) The bus haven't arrived yet. b) The bus hasn't arrive yet. c) The bus hasn't arrived yet. 7) Uczniowie wyruszyli o 8. a) The students set off at 8. b) The students setted off at 8. c) The students have set off at 8. 8) odjeżdżać a) arrive b) leave c) take off 9) odlatywać a) get off b) take off c) leave 10) wsiadać do taksówki a) get on the taxi b) get to the taxi c) get in to the taxi

brainy 7 unit 3 past simple / present perfect


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