Who can help with ADHD - Doctors and Family, What is ADHD - Medical condition that affects a person's attention and self-control, What causes ADHD - It is caused from different ways for the brain to pay attention, slow down, or be patient. It can also be spread to different people from genes, How is ADHD physically - Someone will not sit still, wait their turn, or be patient, How is ADHD mentally - Seeming absent minded, rushing through tasks, always being, bored, restless, not sitting still or being impatient, How is ADHD emotionally - Someone with ADHD would feel restless, fidgety, frustrated, and bored, How ADHD socially - It can make relationships worse by not spending as much time with friends or family, How can ADHD be treated - Therapists can help people learn attention skills, cope with feelings, and gain self-control,


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