Where/were/we’re/wear is the best kebab shop? - Where, Where/were/we’re/wear going to work hard today. - We're, Where/were/we’re/wear what you like to the ball. - Wear, They where/were/we’re/wear rthe best pupils in the school. - Were, There/their/they’re is chance I might win this. - There, There/their/they’re all very expensive. - They're, This is there/their/they’re phone. - Their, There/their/they’re is only one kebab shop in Hindley. - There, Morgan has/as more than fifty books. - Has, His hair was has/as black as coal. - As, Morgan his/is an excellent reader. - Is, Morgan has read all his/is books. - His, His friends liked that number too/to/two. - Too, Morgan loves too/to/two read. - To, He also loves the number too/to/two. - Two, Here/hear the sounds of typing. - Here,

homophones2 - block out wrong answers

by Anonymous


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