My name is Sam. I am from England. I am a student.  I am happy in college., Hello, my name is Ali. I am from Sudan. I live in Nottingham. I feel sad. I have two children in Sudan., Sara is from Eritrea. She is married. She has a baby. She is tired., Tom is scared. He has a college test. He is a good student. He works hard., Razia and Maria are at home. They are hungry. It is 7 o'clock. They cook rice., Jo feels sick. She is hot. She is sleepy. She goes to bed., Omar is a refugee. He is worried. He has a new house. He has lots of appointments. But it's ok., Today is English class. We read English words. The teacher is angry. The students are late., Anna is a new student. She is from Greece. She is shy and scared. She makes new friends. Now she is happy., The students work well. It is break time. They are thirsty and hungry. They go to the cafe..


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