1) How long does your exam last? a) 1hr b) 2hrs c) 3hrs 2) How long do you spend on Unit 1? a) 30mins b) 1hr c) 1hr 30mins 3) Unit 1 is a test of ... a) Spelling b) Writing c) Reading d) Reading and understanding 4) You will be asked to read two pieces of ... a) Description b) Fiction c) Non Fiction 5) As soon as you are allowed to write, you should ... a) sweat and panic b) write down all the techniques and key words you have revised c) read the texts as fast as you can 6) How many questions will you be asked? a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 10 7) As you're reading, you should be ... a) holding your breath b) circling key words in the questions c) circling techniques in the texts d) quietly crying 8) Each answer should take about ... a) two minutes b) five minutes c) ten minutes d) twenty minutes 9) In each answer, you should include ... a) a joke b) posh words c) lots of quick points 10) In order to have a chance of getting ten out of ten, you must ... a) be a genius b) use long quotations c) bribe the teacher d) write at least half a side 11) Question 4 will always ask you to ... a) search for facts b) search for opinions c) write a list d) compare the two texts 12) Hopefully, by the end of Unit 1, you will have mentioned lots of the ... a) descriptive techniques b) persuasive techniques c) different types of fruit 13) Unit 2 will test your ... a) reading skills b) writing skills 14) How many tasks will you attempt in Unit 2? a) one b) two c) three 15) They may ask you to write ... a) a speech b) a magazine article c) a letter d) a travel guide e) a charity appeal f) a news report 16) Before you start either of the tasks, you will work out the FLAP. This stands for ... a) Facts/Links/Attitudes/Points b) Fat/Lads/Are/Perfect c) Format/Layout/Attitude/Purpose d) Format/Layout/Audience/Purpose 17) Your two written tasks should include ... a) original ideas b) appropriate language techniques c) appropriate layout techniques d) careful spelling and punctuation e) detail 18) For each task on Unit 2, you should try to ... a) do joined up writing b) copy the texts from Unit 1 c) write between 1 and 2 sides 19) If you finish early, you should ... a) sleep b) eat your pen c) read through your answers to check them 20) Unit 2 is a chance to ... a) show off your vocabulary b) show off your wit c) show off your accuracy d) show off your piercing e) show off your originality

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