1) How long does a geostationary satellite take to orbit? a) 90 minutes b) 2 hours c) 24 hours d) 30 hours 2) Polar satellites move faster because they are closer to the earth and therefore have a stronger force of gravity acting on them a) True b) False 3) Geostationary satellites are used for communications a) True b) False 4) A scalar quantitiy has magnitude and direction a) True b) False 5) In the equations of motion u = initail velocity a) True b) False 6) In the equations of motion v = final velocity and s = speed a) True b) False 7) What is the units of acceleration? a) m/s b) m/s² c) m d) s 8) Which is correct for projectile motion a) the vertical velocity and horizontal velocity are always constant b) the vertical velocity increases as does the horizontal velocity c) the vertical velocity accelerates but the horizontal velocity remains constant 9) The size of momentum depends upon the velocity and voume of an object a) True b) False 10) Which are features designed to reduce force during an impact and therefore reduce injury? a) crumple zone b) seat belt c) air bags d) all of these 11) What is this? a) constructive interference b) destructive interference


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