Why are you doing it? - They've introduced a new system at work so we're all getting training in how to use it, How's it going? - I'm struggling a bit, to be honest. I failed my last module so I can't afford to fail another., How was it taught? - It was all done through workshops, so it was all very practical., Did you enjoy it? - Well, I started out quite keen, but I lost a bit of motivation as I wasn't making much progress., What were the tutors like? - They were very encouraging and gave us a lot of feedback., Did you have much coursework? - Yeah, it was quite demanding. We had regular assignments and the seminars involved a lot of reading beforehand too., Did you find it useful? - Yes and no. I guess it was good for my CV, but it wasn't relevant to my current work as I never use Excel., How is it assessed? - 25% of the overall mark is on the coursework and the rest is on the final exam.,

Describing courses (outcomes unit 7 ex.1)


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