1) ________is a flower. a) This b) That c) Those d) These 2) ______ are pencils. a) These b) Those c) This d) That 3) _______ icecream. a) A b) An 4) ______ chair. a) An b) A 5) The girls are___________. a) Eating b) Running c) Playing d) Cooking 6) The food is kept_____ the table. a) On b) In c) By d) In front of 7) My mother is _______ clothes. a) Drying b) Washing c) Cooking 8) The cat is hiding ________the chair. a) On b) In c) Behind d) Under 9) Tick the correct Naming Words. Harry love pets. a) Harry b) Pets c) Both d) None 10) Tick the correct Naming words. Taj Mahal is in Agra.  a) Taj Mahal b) Agra c) Both d) None



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