1) What is a vacuum? a) Completely empty space with no particles in it. b) Completely full up space with lots of particles in it. c) It is the sucking noise that hoover machines make. 2) When you stand on the ground you are ... a) ... not changing anything at all. b) ...exerting a downward force on the ground. 3) What would happen if you were in space without a space suit? a) You would turn green b) The particles inside your body would exert an outward force and make you swell up c) The particles in space would exert an inward force on your body and you would shrink. 4) If a ball is on the ground and the forces pushing and pulling it are equal what will happen? a) The ball wil start to bounce b) The ball will start to roll. c) Nothing will happen. 5) Which way will the truck move in this picture? a) Left b) Right c) It will not move 6) The forces in this diagram are balanced. a) True b) False 7) In this picture the Sun's gravity is pulling the earth ... a) ... to the moon b) ... to the surface of the Sun c) ... to the centre of the Sun 8) At the same time the earth is flying around the Sun and pulling ... a) ... sideways b) ... in the direction of a circle around the Sun c) ... outwards away from the Sun 9) The distance between the Sun and Earth does not change much because ... a) ... the 2 forces are balanced b) ... the 2 forces are not balanced 10) If the earth did move further away from the Sun what would happen to it's mass? a) It would go up b) It would not change c) It would go down

Forces and Gravity Quiz

by Anonymous


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