1) What does AC stand for? a) alternate current b) alternative current c) alternating current 2) What is the fuel used in nuclear power stations? a) plutonium b) uranium c) coal 3) What is a use for alpha radiation? a) smoke detectors b) fire alarms c) paper making d) sterilising medical equipment 4) What is a nebula? a) cloud of gas b) cloud of debris c) cloud of dust and gas 5) What will happen to our Sun? a) red super giant - supernova - neutron star b) red super giant - supernova - black hole c) red giant - white dwarf - black dwarf 6) What is the food with the highest nuclear radiation? a) bananas b) brazil nuts c) shellfish 7) What sort of current does a solar panel produce? a) alternating current b) direct current 8) What does ionising mean? a) gives out ions b) knocks electrons off or gives electrons c) takes in ions 9) Where is the asteroid belt in our solar system? a) between Mars and Jupiter b) between Jupiter and Saturn c) between Saturn and Uranus d) between Uranus and Neptune 10) What is the evidence for the Big Bang? a) Iridium all over the Earth and fossils b) red shift and a crater c) a crater and microwave radiation d) red shift and microwave radiation


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