1) Which is the correct form? a) teached b) taught c) tauht 2) Which is the correct form? a) easier b) more easy c) easyer 3) You are good ... cooking. a) in b) by c) at 4) Which sentence is correct? (Igaza volt.) a) He was true. b) He was right. 5) Which sentence is correct? a) I have to left. b) I have to leave. c) I have to leaving. 6) Which sentence is correct? a) The US is a country of 50 states. b) US is a country of 50 states. c) The US are a country of 50 states. d) US are a country of 50 states. 7) Which statement is true? a) FEW means néhány. b) FEW means kevés. c) A FEW means kevés. 8) Which one is NOT correct? a) There are lots of jobs ... b) There are a lot of jobs ... c) There are lot of jobs ... 9) The correct spelling is ... a) pharmaceutical b) pharemeticual c) pharmacutical


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