1) To telephone somebody because they telephoned you, but you couldn`t speak. a) Be engaged/busy b) Leave a voicemail c) Call back  d) Have got the wrong number 2) You are calling somebody, but can`t talk because they are using the phone. a) Call back  b) Be engaged/busy c) Send a text message d) Leave a voicemail 3) You copy a new ringtone from the Internet because you are bored with your old ringtone. a) Download a ringtone b) Speak up c) No credit on your mobile d) Have got the wrong number 4) To choose numbers on the phone because you want to call somebody. a) Dial a number b) Be engaged/busy c) Put on speakerphone d) Top up a phone 5) To end a phone conversation. a) Speak up b) The line is bad. c) Be engaged/busy d) Hang up 6) You use it when you want other people to hear your phone conversation with somebody. a) Put on speakerphone b) Speak up c) Have got the wrong number d) Hang up 7) You dialed not the correct phone number. a) Have got the wrong number b) Dial a number c) Call back  d) Top up a phone 8) To record a message on the phone. a) Send a text message b) Leave a voicemail c) Dial a number d) The line is bad. 9) Write a text to somebody using your phone. a) No credit on your mobile b) Dial a number c) The line is bad. d) Send a text message 10) Speak more loudly. a) Dial a number b) Speak up c) Hang up d) Send a text message 11) Not enough money on your mobile. a) Hang up b) No credit on your mobile c) Put on speakerphone d) Leave a voicemail 12) The situation when you can`t hear your partner very well because there are some problems on the line. a) Have got the wrong number b) The line is bad. c) Be engaged/busy d) Hang up 13) To put some money on your phone. a) Top up a phone b) Put on speakerphone c) Have got the wrong number d) Leave a voicemail


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