primary  - Blue, yellow and red are all types of what colour, secondary  - Green, purple and orange are types of what colour , green - If I mix yellow and blue I get...., harmonious  - Two colours that sit next to each other on the colour wheel are called , complimentary - Colours that are opposite on the colour wheel are called , tertiary - A .........colour is made by mixing equal amounts of a primary colour and a secondary colour together., purple - If I mix red and blue together i get...., tint  - a a mixture of a color with white, tone  - A......... is produced either by mixing a color with grey, or by both tinting and shading., orange  - If i mix yellow and red together......, watercolour - the paint we are used to produce our letter, gradient - dark to light is called a tonal.........., burgerman - The last name of the artist we are looking at Jon......, cartoon - The way you would describe the creatures , alphabet - The name of the project ... creature.........., highlight - When you add white areas to parts of your bottle , refine - when you work over to make your work even better , unique - Another word for original ,


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