1) What is the present perfect of the verb to play? a) To play b) The playet c) Hi payeld d) She played e) I have played f) dlyape 2) What is the present perfect of the verb to walk ? a) Adlaekd b) deklaw ehs c) Lawked d) Dlaked e) She walked f) Lakled 3) What is the present perfect to the verb to Laike ? a) Delial b) Dlaiked c) Lake d) Dey laiked e) Laike f) Dliked 4) What is the present perfect to the verb to drink ? a) Drink b) Deknird c) Ridinked d) Drinked e) Derinked f) She drinked 5) What is the present perfect to the verb to loved ? a) Love b) devol c) evold d) Loved e) Hi loved f) lelvo


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