1) pathogens are microbes that cause disease a) True b) False 2) viruses are larger than bacteria a) True b) False 3) viruses get in to cells and uses the cells to make thousands of new viruses.the new viruses burst out of the cell to invade other body cells a) True b) False 4) measles mumps and chicken pox are caused by a bacteria a) True b) False 5) washing your hands can reduce the spread of infection a) True b) False 6) if pathogens enter our body red blood cells protect us a) True b) False 7) White blood cells protect us by ingesting the pathogen a) True b) False 8) white blood cells release antibodies and anti toxins to destroy pathogens in our body a) True b) False 9) Penicillin can be used to treat flui a) True b) False 10) antibiotics can only be used to kill bacterial infections a) True b) False 11) MRSA has become resistant to a lot of antibiotic a) True b) False 12) the more people in the population that are vaccinated against the disease the less likely the disease is to spread through the population a) True b) False 13) vaccines do not have any side effects a) True b) False 14) some viruses can change this is called a mutation a) True b) False 15) people over 65 should have a flu vaccine a) True b) False

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