1) Their mission is to travel to active volcanoes and document the eruptions. Document means: a) a piece of paper with important information b) to record information through writing, photographs, or video c) to provide evidence in a written paper 2) The temperature quickly dropped over 60 degrees. Donna O’Meara and her husband, Steve, didn’t dare try to climb down the steep slopes in the dark. They were stuck on a narrow ledge just 200 feet above a fiery, smoking pit. What can you infer about this situation? a) It's very dangerous. b) Donna O'Meara loves volcanoes. c) Donna and her husband love to risk their lives every day. 3) What can you infer about Donna from this passage: However, instead of turning her love for science into a career after graduation, she became an artist, photographer, and writer. As she worked on different magazines and books, she gradually began to realize that something was missing in her life. a) She found her job as a writer very interesting. b) She wanted a more exciting job. c) She kept losing things, like her keys and children. 4) Choose the correct words to complete this sentence: Donna and her husband work to ________ when ________ volcanoes will __________ so that they can protect people who live near volcanoes.  a) predict, document, eruption b) active, predict, explode c) predict, active, erupt 5) Which of the following inferences about Donna O’Meara is best supported by the entire text? a) She loves to write about volcanoes. b) She loves her work so much she is willing to risk her life for it. c) She got married and lives on a volcano in Hawaii. . 


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