1) The dog is ..... the bed. a) on b) in c) under d) next to e) between f) opposite 2) The cat is ..... the chair. a) on b) in c) under d) opposite e) between f) next to 3) The dog is .... the house. a) on b) in c) under d) next to e) opposite f) between 4) The red pencil is .... the pink pencil.  a) opposite b) on c) under d) in e) next to f) between 5) The white pencil is..... the black pencil and the blue pencil. a) opposite b) between c) in d) on e) under f) next to 6) The green car is.... the red car. a) next to b) under c) opposite d) between e) in f) on

Happy street 2 - unit 4 (prepositions)




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