Achieving sustainable development means ensuring that all people have the resources needed – such as ____, ____, ____, and ____ – to fulfil their human rights. It means ensuring that humanity’s use of natural resources does not stress ____ Earth system processes – by causing ____ or ____, for example – to the point that Earth is pushed out of the stable state, known as the ____. The ____ forms an ____ boundary, below which are many dimensions of human deprivation. The ____ forms an ____, beyond which are many dimensions of environmental degradation. Between the two boundaries lies an area – shaped like a doughnut – which represents an ____ and ____ space for humanity to thrive in. Deep inequalities of income, gender, and ____ mean that millions of people are living below every dimension of the social foundation. Nearly ____ people face hunger; 1.4 billion live on less than ____ a day, and ____ have no access to clean cookingfacilities. At the same time, the environmental ceiling has already been crossed for at least three of the nine dimensions: ____, ____ use, and ____. Policies aimed at moving back within planetary boundaries can, if poorly designed, ____ people further below the ____ Providing the additional calories needed by the ____ per cent of the world’s population facing hunger would require just ____ per cent of the current global food supply Bringing electricity to the ____ per cent of the world’s population who currently lack it could be achieved with less than a ____ per cent increase in global CO2 emissions Ending income poverty for the ____ per cent of the global population who live on less than $1.25 a day would require just ____ per cent of global income Around ____ per cent of global carbon emissions are generated by just ____ per cent of people ____ per cent of global income is in the hands of just ____ per cent of people ____ per cent of the world’s sustainable nitrogen budget is used to produce meat for people in the ____ – just 7 per cent of the world’s population the inefficiency with which natural resources are currently used to meet human needs – for example through ____, ____, and ____ – further compounds the pressure Social justice demands that this double objective be achieved through far greater global equity in the use of natural resources, with the____ reductions coming from the world’s ____ consumers they have allowed the interests of ____ and ____ groups to dominate over the interests of ____ communities, and humanity as a whole policymakers continue to rely on economic indicators – such as ____ – that are not up to the task of measuring what matters for social justice and ____ At the centre of the image is a space of critical human deprivations – such as ____, ____, poverty, and ____ the human population has ____ all lived above the social foundation in a ‘____ space’ This framework highlights the ____ of the social, environmental, and ____ dimensions of sustainable development The economy’s over-arching aim is no longer economic growth in and of itself, but rather to bring humanity into the ____ and ____ – inside the doughnut – and to promote increasing human well-being the Policymakers must be more accountable for the impact of economic activity on planetary and social boundaries, defined both in natural metrics (such as ____ of ____ emitted) and social metrics (such as the number of people facing ____). Inequalities between women and men run deeply through all these concerns, reflecting enduring disparities in ____ over natural resources, in ____ and earnings, and in ____ and ____ Well: through ____, adequate income, improved water and ____, andhealth care; Figure 2 - children living in ____ areas of ____ regions are ____ as likely to be underweight as are their urban counterparts The current and potential impacts of climate change, for example – including ____, shifting seasons, ____ rise, and increasing droughts and floods – seriously undermine poor people’s ability to ensure their ____, health, and access to ____ and sanitation, and further exacerbate gender inequalities. Globally, ____ billion people have no access to clean cooking facilities (such as gas stoves) and so rely on traditionalbiomass (including ____, dung, ____ and ____) and coal for cooking International carbon-offsetting schemes have been set up to enable high-emissions companies and individuals to buy ____ by financing investments, often in developing countries, which ____ net CO2 emissions Tree plantations can earn these credits, but the forestry companies behind them are often given licence to ____ land whichhas, for decades, been farmed by ____ communities, particularly women farmers. These marginalised communities are often ____ without consent or ____ – losing their land and water supply, their food security and livelihoods, and their homes and communities During the food price crisis of 2007-09, biofuel production ____ food crops for use as fuel, significantly ____ up food prices. Research in the UK, for example, has found that people living in ____ also tend to live in the ____ efficiently insulated homes. Every year, roughly ____ of all food produced – ____bn tonnes – is lost in harvest or storage, or wasted by consumers Reducing such food losses also reduces pressure for increasing food production, thereby saving on land, ____, ____ use, and carbon emissions The poorest ____ per cent of people hold just ____ per cent of global incomes High-income countries – home to ____ per cent of the world’s population – account for ____ per cent of the world’s spending on consumer products and use ____ per cent of the world’s electricity Over the next 20 years, global population is expected to grow by 1.3bn people, while the global ‘middle class’ is expected to grow from under ____bn consumers today to nearly ____bn by 2030, increasing particularly in ____ and ____ Every year, the average consumer in ____ and North America throws away ____kg of edible food Making incremental changes to the engines and aerodynamics of new cars could result in a ____ per cent improvement in the average fuel economy of all ____ on the road worldwide by 2050


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