When I was younger, I usually woke up early in the morning, I turned off my alarm clock, Then, I took a shower in a short time because the water was so cold, After, I put on my uniform and shoes , My mother made breakfast for me because I could not cook, I always had scrambled eggs, toast and a hot drink, After finishing my meal I always brushed my teeth, At twenty past seven I went to school by bus, I usually started classes at 8 o'clock, During the morning I did different exercises in my notebook, At midday my friends and I ate lunch in the dining hall, In the afternoon I usually practiced sports or read books at the library, I usually finished school classes at 4 PM, When I arrived home, I sometimes fed my cat and walked my dog, At 6 PM my father and I cooked dinner for all the family, After dinner my parents and I played a board game in the living room, At 8 o'clock we watched one or two episodes of our favorite Netflix series, Later, I went to bed and my father read some pages of my favorite book, I usually slept seven or eight hours happily.,


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