penis - this becomes stiff and erect and is placed inside the vagina during intercourse, urethra opening - this allows urina to be passed and sperm to be ejaculated, scrotum - this is a soft bag of skin that holds the testicles, testicles - these are soft balls which produce sperm and the male sex hormone, epididymis - coiled tubes where the sperm is stored while they mature, sperm duct - moves the sperm from the testicles to the penis, seminal vesicle - produces a nutritious liquid to help sperm to survive, prostate gland - the size of a walnut produces a fluid to help sperm to survive, urethra - a fine muscular tube that allows urine out and it can contract to squeeze out sperm, erectile tissue - a a male becomes sexually excited this fills with blood making his penis erect,

reproductive system male functions of parts

by Anonymous


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