1) Why did Hansel and Gretel walk to the farm? a) to get food. b) to find the witch. 2) What did Hansel and Gretel drop along the way find their way back home on the first trip? a) stones b) bread crumbs 3) Who did Hansel and Gretel meet by the stream? a) a brown duck b) tiger 4) Why were the yellow ducks teasing the brown duck? a) he cannot quack b) because ugly 5) Why did the children go back to the forest? a) to buy eggs b) to get woodchips. 6) What did Hansel and Gretel use as a guide the second time they went through the forest? a) stones b) breadcrumbs 7) Why did the children knock on the woman's door? a) to ask for direction. b) to ask for food. 8) What did the woman do when the children walked in? a) she gave them food. b) the woman trapped them in the house. 9) How did the duckling save the children? a) he used his beak to unlock the door b) he gave them the key 10) What did the ugly duckling grow up to be? a) chicken b) swan c) bird


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